Hi, I'm Alyssa Citarella and I have always wanted to help people. As a child I took care of everyone around me and loved pulling my wagon around the neighborhood filled with first aid supplies. After graduating from Bucknell University I started an 11 year career as a public school teacher and earned my Masters and 6th Year degrees. For years I resisted my gifts until the day I was three months pregnant with my second daughter, my husband had just left his corporate job to start his own business and my principal called me into her office to tell me they were eliminating my position. I was offered another position in the district, but the kicker was, that was a position I had willingly left 4 years earlier.
I was devastated, I loved my position and the kids and teachers I worked with, but tried to make the best of it. We needed the salary, we needed the benefits, but I felt trapped. The funny thing is, I knew this was coming. My intuition told me. My spiritual side was calling out to me to be acknowledged. I needed to learn to listen to my gut and I knew I needed to help teach others to do the same.
This began my search through books, courses, and alternative healing. I trained in Reiki and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), I attended workshops, watched movies and read tons and tons of books. One day while journaling at the beach, I thought I would try something different. I decided to write down a question in my journal and write down whatever answer came to me. Turns out I’m really good at connecting with my inner guidance system and I love helping other people connect with their intuition, helping them get answers to their deepest questions, and also helping them gain the confidence they need to do it on their own.
In my eyes learning never stops! My explorations continue and I am now a certified Holistic Shamanic Practitioner and Angel Card Reader and I have studied Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman.
Check out my human design summary to see how I was born to help you!