Alyssa uses her intuition to guide, support and empower clients to make positive changes and live more fulfilling lives. Trained in Reiki, Shamanism and Sound Healing she facilitates the shifting of energy to promote a state of relaxation and healing.
“Alyssa has amazing intuition that provides incredible results. I have worked with her multiple times, and each time her Readings have brought me clarity in various elements of my life. With light and love, she will guide and support you to discover more about yourself and to think deeply about the impacts of events and emotions that may be brewing on a subconscious level. She happily provides information on the types of cards and other tools she uses and will help you process through her findings without hesitation. Highly recommend! ”
“OMG Alyssa Citarella has GOT the GIFT ! She just did a reading for me and it was dead-on accurate and super-helpful. I coach and mentor a lot of intuitives and healers and so I’ve had my share of readings by practitioners who run the spectrum from newbie to highly advanced and I would return to Alyssa any time for a fast, complete, highly accurate and to-the-point reading. Best of all, she delivers the message with a bright and cheery disposition and a great sense of humor. If you have any questions or doubts about anything in your life, call Alyssa TODAY and get some clarity! She is amazing!!”
“Alyssa’s readings are spot on, quick and to the point! She was completely tuned in to channeling exactly what I needed to hear at this moment in time. The cards she selected delivered insight, and gave me a sense of calmness, allowing me to realize that I am on my path and with a few minor adjustments I will remain headed in the right direction. I loved Alyssa’s “no B.S./no fluff” approach to my readings, and would definitely recommend them to anyone who wants to pinpoint exactly what is going on behind the scenes in their life!”
“It is such a joy working with Alyssa. Her energy is so light and open. When we spoke it was like she opened a channel to my higher self and I began getting insights and answers to my own questions. And I knew that they were the truth and action I needed to take and not simply brainstormed ideas. I am also very grateful for her guidance when she answered my written questions. I was stuck in several areas and had no idea what to do and in other areas just needed confirmation I was headed in the right direction and her insightful answers allowed me to move forward with confidence and ease.”
“I recently had a distance Reiki session with Alyssa and felt so deeply relaxed afterwards...not something that’s easy for me. I also had a reading that was incredibly spot on! Alyssa is so easy to work with and I’ll definitely look to do more with her!”
“Alyssa helped me with important business decisions which resulted in immediate beneficial results. Opportunities began falling in my lap days after our session.”